This article about gauging feedback has been edited and adapted by Brandi Neal from the…
You’re Invited to Experience Radical Candor on Sessions by MasterClass
Kim Scott and Jason Rosoff are so excited to announce that a Radical Candor MasterClass is finally here!
MasterClass is the streaming platform where anyone can learn from the world’s best across a wide range of subjects.
Kim and Jason co-founded the company Radical Candor five years ago because they believe Radically Candid communication is foundational for success at work and in everyday life.
Radical Candor is thrilled to be part of Sessions by MasterClass to bring this leadership masterclass to millions of MasterClass members.
Sessions by MasterClass offers a structured curriculum where members can roll up their sleeves, get hands-on and learn meaningful skills through step-by-step guidance from world-class instructors and an active community of peers.
Get a One-of-a-Kind Radical Candor MasterClass Experience
Sign up for Radical Candor on Sessions by MasterClass >>
“We partnered with MasterClass to give learners an in-depth Radical Candor experience using their Sessions platform,” says Jason Rosoff, co-founder and CEO of Radical Candor.
“Learners get to hear Kim cover the core concepts, see Radical Candor in action through vignettes, and get answers to the most common questions we’ve gotten over the last five years.”
Join Kim, Jason, and their role-playing partners (including Candor Coach Lele Mason) to experience Radical Candor in action as you learn to tackle the hard conversations.
Through storytelling and demonstrations over eight class sections, you’ll learn how to apply Radical Candor to your own life to become a more effective leader, colleague, and overall human.
Learners get to hear Kim cover the core concepts, see Radical Candor in action through vignettes, and get answers to the most common questions we’ve gotten over the last five years.” — Jason Rosoff
“Kim’s Radical Candor principles have transformed the way we give and receive feedback in the workplace,” says David Rogier, founder and CEO of MasterClass.
“In her session, she teaches members tactical ways to transform the way they communicate. If you struggle with having pointed conversations in your personal and professional lives, this class is for you.”
Throughout the session, Kim uses real stories from her career and offers live demonstrations of Radical Candor in action.
This step-by-step guidance provides members with a better understanding of how to apply the techniques in their own lives to become more effective managers and leaders.
The session is broken down into eight sections, including:
- Understanding Radical Candor
- Soliciting and Receiving Feedback
- Giving Praise and Criticism
- Gauging How Feedback Lands
- Coaching a Team Using Radical Candor
“Effective communication is the key to success in both the workplace and in everyday life,” says Kim Scott, Radical Candor author and co-founder.
“In the Radical Candor session, members will learn how to have productive conversations using Radical Candor principles and will leave equipped with the tools to transform their mindset and set them on a path for personal growth.”
We’re saving a spot for you in our leadership masterclass! (Read the full Radical Candor MasterClass press release.)
Sign up for Radical Candor on Sessions by MasterClass >>