Change is hard. We Can Help.
An executive education company founded by Jason Rosoff and Kim Scott, Radical Candor is a team of passionate professionals helping organizations move from a culture of command and control to one of collaboration.
At Radical Candor, We’ve Got Your Back
We’re dedicated to supporting people and teams who want to transform their work by using Kim Scott’s proven Radical Candor framework to develop a feedback-first culture.
From bestselling book to boots on the ground
What started as an epiphany after Kim Scott received candid advice from a stranger has not only become a bestselling book, Radical Candor blossomed into a company creating BS-free zones at workplaces around the world.
Change is Hard. We Can Help.
Our Candor Coaches — dedicated management and leadership experts who share our passion for bringing Radical Candor to life — deliver inspiring keynotes and immersive workshops to teams around the world.
Radical Candor in Action
Helping companies around the world create a culture of guidance.
ZenHub applies the Radical Candor principles
Read about how ZenHub, known for building the new standard in developer collaboration tools, applied the principles of Radical Candor to their internal engineering organization.
Amazon’s “Day One: Insights for Entrepreneurs”
Radical Candor’s Kim Scott teamed up with Amazon to support entrepreneurs and business leaders in the market for inspiration and innovation.
Radical Candor gives guidance to Gather
Learn how Nicholas Miller, co-founder and CEO of Gather, the leading event software for restaurants and venues, introduced Radical Candor, and how it helped Gather evolve their feedback culture.
Gem uses Radical Candor to recognize success
Gem, a Los Angeles-based blockchain company focused on healthcare and supply chain, introduced their 20-person team to Radical Candor. Looking for ideas to roll out the framework?
ThreeSixtyEight makes Radical Candor a core value
Learn how ThreeSixtyEight, a digital services company, made Radical Candor a core value for internal and client interactions. For teams looking to introduce Radical Candor, read three recommendations from ThreeSixtyEight CEO Kenny Nguen.
Speaking of candor
Every day people tell us that learning to Care Personally and Challenge Directly has made their teams happier and more productive.
Want to learn more? Let’s talk!
We understand each organization is unique. We’d love to meet with your team to understand the specific problems you are trying to solve
so we can customize a feedback coaching, management training or workshop engagement that best meets your needs.