Radical Candor Podcast: Radical Candor with Your Boss

Podcast Season 4, Episode 8: Get Shit Done Step 3 — Debate (Don’t Squish) Ideas

On this episode of the Radical Candor Podcast, we’re going to talk about the steps to follow for a successful debating process. If you skip the debate phase of the Get Sh*t Done Wheel, you’ll make worse decisions, you’ll be unable to persuade everyone who needs to implement, and you’ll ultimately slow down or grind to a halt. Kim, Jason, Amy and producer Brandi discuss a time when a debate went awry and what they should have done instead.

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Radical Candor Podcast Episode At a Glance

Radical Candor podcast

Big Debate Meetings should be reserved for debate, but not decisions, on major issues facing the team. 

They serve three purposes: 

  • They lower tension.
  • They allow you to slow down key decisions when appropriate.
  • They foster a larger culture of debate.

The norms of these meetings are also pretty straightforward. 

  • Make it clear that the goal of debate is to work together to come up with the best answer. There should be no “winners” or “losers.”  
  • Encourage people to come with data versus recommendations and to not be afraid to disagree with one another.
  • The sole product of the debate should be a careful summary of the facts and issues that emerged, a clearer definition of the choices going forward, and a recommendation to keep debating or to move on to a decision.

Radical Candor Podcast Checklist

  1. Check your ego at the door. Make sure that individual egos and self-interest don’t get in the way of an objective quest for the best answer. Nothing is a bigger time-sucker or blocker to getting it right than ego. On a broad level, this means intervening when you start to sense that people are thinking, “I’m going to win this argument,” or “my idea versus your idea,” or “my recommendation versus your recommendation,” or “my team feels …”
  2. Pause for emotions and exhaustion. If you don’t, people will make a decision so that they can go home; or worse, a huge fight stemming from raw emotions will break out.
  3.  Ask participants to switch roles halfway through each debate. This makes sure that people are listening to each other and helps them keep focused on coming up with the best answer and let go of egos and hierarchical positions. Get your Radical Candor ‘Duty to Dissent’ swag: mugs, ping-pong paddles and stickers.

Radical Candor Podcast Resources

Support for Ukraine

Podcast Season 4, Episode 8: Get Shit Done Step 3 — Debate (Don't Squish) Ideas radical candor podcast,debate

We’re supporting these organizations dedicated to helping people in Ukraine.

  • Together Rising provides funds to seven boots-on-the-ground partners for urgent help in Ukraine, including marginalized and LGBTQ2IA+ communities. Donate >>
  • Ocalenie Foundation, or Rescue Foundation, helps refugees, immigrants and repatriates, including those fleeing the war in Ukraine, build new lives in Poland. Donate >>
  • Additional donation resources suggested by the Obama Foundation. Learn more >>


Just Work is Available Everywhere Books are Sold!

Just Work Kim Scott


Order Kim’s new book, Just Work: How To Root Out Bias, Prejudice, and Bullying to Create a Kick-Ass Culture of Inclusivity, to learn how we can recognize, attack, and eliminate workplace injustice ― and transform our careers and organizations in the process.

We ― all of us ― consistently exclude, underestimate, and underutilize huge numbers of people in the workforce even as we include, overestimate, and promote others, often beyond their level of competence. Not only is this immoral and unjust, but it’s also bad for business. Just Work is the solution.

Just Work is Kim’s new book, revealing a practical framework for both respecting everyone’s individuality and collaborating effectively. This is the essential guide leaders and their employees need to create more just workplaces and establish new norms of collaboration and respect. Read more >>


Radical Candor Podcast Listeners Get 10% Off The Feedback Loop


Improvising Radical Candor, a partnership between Radical Candor and Second City Works, introduces The Feedback Loop (think Groundhog Day meets The Office), a 5-episode workplace comedy series starring David Alan Grier that brings to life Radical Candor’s simple framework for navigating candid conversations.

You’ll get an hour of hilarious content about a team whose feedback fails are costing them business; improv-inspired exercises to teach everyone the skills they need to work better together, and after-episode action plans you can put into practice immediately.

We’re offering Radical Candor podcast listeners 10% off the self-paced e-course. Follow this link and enter the promo code FEEDBACK at checkout.

The Radical Candor Podcast theme music was composed by Cliff Goldmacher. Order his book: The Reason For The Rhymes: Mastering the Seven Essential Skills of Innovation by Learning to Write Songs.

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